As mentioned above much of the metrics are built into social media platforms. However, retrieving the numbers from each of the tools separately is a tedious job. Social media dashboards can help a lot in doing the number crunching. These tools automatically collect data from all your social media platforms ranging from Facebook to Foursquare. Besides saving you tremendous amounts of time they also provide great statistical data and visualisation. The most important benefit of using a dashboard is to have all the important data in one place. This makes monitoring as well as steering possible in real time. During our research I have experimented with Ducksboard ( to collect and analyse data.
About the author
Márton Kocsev has been working with GIZ on various innovative technology projects within the private as well as educational sectors. His main interests include innovation brokerage, green technologies, and social entrepreneurship in low-income countries. He has been involved in various projects on one-to-one computing, interactive learning, and business information systems. He was part of the team that implemented Ethiopia’s first open innovation hub, iceaddis. Between 2012-2013 he coordinated a BMZ fasttrack measure on Green Skills in Egypt as well as supported the establishment of two innovation hubs (icecairo, icealex). He currently works as advisor for “networks and communities” in the department Global Knowledge Cooperations.
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