Internet of Things

Using sensors for good: How the Internet of Things can improve lives
Foreword: The Internet of Things and its potential in International Cooperation
The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing. In urban centres of emerging countries – megacities such as Rio de Janeiro, Beijing or New Delhi – thousands of sensors are already monitoring air quality, traffic and water systems. Increasingly, local governments are using IoT technologies and the data analysis they
enable to better manage resources while driving economic growth. The potential for such economic growth is vast. A McKinsey report for example estimated the possible economic impact from traffic applications, smart waste handling, and smart water systems in urban areas at “100 billion to 300 billion US-dollars per year by 2025, assuming that 80 to 100 per cent of cities in advanced economies and 25 to 50 per cent of cities in the developing world have access to IoT technology by that time.” However, currently only a few stakeholders in international cooperation are specifically promoting IoT applications.
This report is a first attempt by the GIZ to understand and describe how the Internet of Things will impact developing and emerging countries – and how stakeholders in international cooperation should react. Starting with case studies from Ghana, Kenya and Brazil, we will examine how IoT technology might be applied in the three key sectors healthcare, agriculture and disaster management (page 10). This will lead us on to an analysis of the key mechanisms through which IoT can create positive impact in developing and emerging countries (page 19). Based on these impact mechanisms we will finally propose measures by which international cooperation organisations can support the development of IoT to maximise this impact (page 21).

>> Ch. 1 Introduction: The Internet of Things is already here
>> Ch. 2 IOT in Healthcare: Improving Care for those Out of Reach
>> Ch. 3 IOT in Agriculture: Increasing Smallholder Productivity
>> Ch. 4 IOT in Disaster Management: Saving lives with early warnings
>> Ch. 5 How IOT works in emerging and developing countries
>> Ch. 6 Realising IOT's potential in international cooperation
>> Ch. 7 Summary: Make the Most of IOT
About the Authors

Franziska Kreische graduated with an MA in Peace and Conflict Studies and gained experience in German development cooperation while working as a student assistant at the KfW Development Bank. After her studies she lived in Uganda where she worked for various development projects.

Angela Ullrich holds a PhD in Economics and has worked in academia and as a financial analyst. Today, Angela works as a lecturer on non-profit sector economics and as a part-time researcher in the betterplace lab.

Kathleen Ziemann graduated with an MA in Politics and Cultural Sciences, and more recently trained as a Design Thinker at the Hasso Plattner Institute. After her studies she worked as an editor at Médecins Sans Frontières before joining the betterplace lab as trendresearcher.